Stock & Noble
Choosing the best Timber Fence Paint for your horse property in Australia and New Zealand.
- BY Tripti Kakkar
The beauty of raw, natural wood is unparalleled. Nature’s work truly has no equal. However, sometimes it becomes impractical to maintain this beauty and highly imperative to paint the Timber Post and Rail fences on your horse property.
At Stock & Noble, we know how important it is for you to maintain your horse property and ensure that the Timber Fences stay protected and look spectacular. We conduct extensive research in the development of our premium quality paints to make them shine and survive in the weather and on the wood of Australia and New Zealand.
In this article you will learn:
- Things you must consider while choosing Timber fence paints.
- The must-have features of the best Timber fence paint.
- The best Timber fence paints available in Australia and New Zealand.
What should I consider while painting my Timber Post and Rail fencing?
Once you’ve decided to go ahead and paint the Timber Post and Rail fences of your horse property, you need to make a few more decisions based on the options available in the market today. This would also affect the cost of your painting project.
Choosing the right colour
The most common colour used and seen across lifestyle equestrian properties in Australia and New Zealand is black. Other noticeable colours are brown and white.
If you choose black, you must also decide whether you prefer a rich glossy black or a matte finish. While both are great options, and the final look is based on what you wish to achieve for your property, you must know that glossy black typically has more paint solids, is denser, will last longer and is consequently more expensive than the matte.
The same reason applies to white paint, it has more paint solids, added to achieve a vibrant white look and is usually a more expensive option than any kind of black.
While picking your shade for a larger horse property, keep in mind that black is considered a “low visual impact” colour,, meaning that it creates a cohesive and cleaner look for the entire property without dominating. In comparison, white stands out against most backdrops, so if your property is covered in a lot of white fencing, it might start looking crowded.
Choosing between Water-based and Oil-based paints
It’s critical to choose the right type of paint for your fence so applying the paint is feasible.
Water-based colours will work on new timber and wood which has been previously painted with water-based colours. They won’t work if your fence has been painted with oil-based colours in the past.
So, before you begin your search, please do a simple test: Take a rag different from the colour of your paint. Dip it in methylated spirits and rub it onto the surface to check for colour transfer. If the paint colour transfers to the rag, it means it’s a water-based colour and water-based paint can be used to paint over the existing timber colour. If it’s an oil-based paint, then no water-based paint will stick to it.
When it comes to oil-based vs. water-based paints, a major drawback of oil-based paints is their difficulty in handling. Washing up water-based paints simply requires warm soapy water, while working with oil-based paints involves chemicals. Also, water-based paints are much more environmentally friendly and there’s no need of wearing protective gear during their application, which is a really helpful feature during a hot summer day. The most important benefit is that water-based paints keep the applicators free of dangerous vapours and adverse health impacts.
Considering the longevity and quality of your paint
In today’s market, you will find a variety of paints for your horse property. The difference lies in how dense the colour is and how much paint solids are added to the mix. The more the paint solids are, the sleeker your painted timber fencing will look and the longer the paint will stay.
For example, Forever Black has 6 times higher paint solids and lasts for more than 6 years, while other water-based paints in the same category last for only one to two years.
Finding the right option based on price
When you want to paint your horse property, you must decide whether you want a great look, long life leading to less stress and better return on investment over the years, or a cheaper option that works for you at the present.
If it’s your own horse property, which you intend to keep for years, Forever Black and Forever White are the best paint options for you. However, if you’re looking to quickly polish and put the horse property for sale, Classic Black is the way to go.
Must-have features of the best Timber Fence Paint for a horse property.
Who wouldn’t love a freshly painted or repainted beautiful horse property? If that’s the stuff of your dreams too and you’ve chosen the colour you always wanted, the next logical step is to pick the paint. The best paint for your timber is simply the one that ticks off all the boxes on this checklist.
Anti Mould
Wood is the preferred home for moulds. So, the paint should be able to cull off any mould or fungus that grows from moisture and always protect your timber fence.
The best timber fence paint should ideally deter the horses from nibbling on the fences. Our premium paints are infused with “Never Crib”; an anti-cribbing solution that acts as a deterrent.
Hot-weather additive
This additive is designed to enable easy application, especially when the weather is hot. It keeps paint smooth and free-flowing for all types of applications, so you do not have to worry about clogging paint brushes, paint drag marks, and spray gun clogging.
Not too watery
The colour should be dense enough with enough paint solids to give you a brilliant rich look if that’s what you have visualised for your horse property. With thicker paints, the black will be blacker, and the white will be brighter.
Painting your rail and post fences is an exciting yet time-consuming process. The best timber fence paint must last long enough for you to enjoy your property without the regular stress of maintenance. Tests have shown that Forever White lasts for more than 10 years. Forever Black lasts for more than 6 years and Classic Black lasts for up to 2 years.
UV Stable
With Australia and New Zealand both accustomed to a high UV radiation, the ideal timber fence paint must be able to resist the UV, by blocking it and protect the timber and paint from breaking down.
These are some of the things the best timber fence paint must have. However, if your priority is a lower price at present as compared to the long-term saving in future then there are other options available too. They might not be loaded with all these features, but any kind of painting or repainting of timber will definitely increase the overall aesthetics of your property.
Best Timber Fence Paints in Australia and New Zealand.
Based on the must-have features, the most popular and best Timber fence paints currently available in the market are:
Forever Black has 6 times more paint solids than Stud X and Classic Black.
Farm Black too claims to have 50% more paint solids than Stud X and Classic Black.
While Farm Black is only available in New Zealand. Stud X, Forever Black, Forever White and Classic Black are available in both Australia and New Zealand.
Cost of Timber Fence paint and finally choosing the right one
We are sure by now you must be clear about which Timber paint is best suited for your property. You can also dig deeper and find out the cost of painting Timber Post and Rail Fences. This article will help you calculate the approximate cost of your painting project.
To learn more about how to choose the best Timber Fence paint for your horse property, speak to our fencing expert. At Stock & Noble, we are available through pre-booked appointments and are driven to ensure our partners get the finest products to create the most beautiful equine properties across Australia and New Zealand. We have a strict policy of no unnecessary emails, follow ups or any obligation of purchase.