

Highly visible, pure copper electric fence rope.

No nonsense.

You can’t miss this electric fence.

Highly visible, pure copper electric fence rope.

Designed specifically with horses in mind, EquiRope is a high quality UV stable electric polyester braid. 8 pure coated copper conductors maintain excellent conductivity over long distances at all times. Easy to install by hand, it’s great as a quick temporary fence, but with the added quality to ensure it can last as a permanent fencing solution.

EquiRope Copper Electric Fence - Stock and Noble

EquiRope product range


Black & White / 6mm

Brilliant white fence rope. Highly visible, pristine and tough.

EquiRope Bold

Black & White / 8mM

Thicker, bolder premium fence rope. Elegant, classy and strong. In brilliant white and rich black.

Product Specifications

For complete details of the product, click on the link below

Design Features


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Highly visible

Designed specifically with horses in mind, this fencing rope is impossible to miss.

What a shocker!

8 pure coated copper conductors maintain excellent conductivity over long distances at all times.

Install by hand

EquiRope is a soft threaded rope, making it easy to install by hand.

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